Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's a...

Sweet baby

we are very excited and love you so much!

here is one of my faves (from a little bit back)
just hanging out.
you keep doing that.
and then we can hang out together
and I can kiss those little legs.


Nicole said...

CONGRATS. That is so exciting!

candace said...


CAGE said...

what cute legs! i wish i had those!

Larn said...

congratulations! i am so excited for you and dallas.

also now i can pick out a onesie to make for the little guy!
hooray hooray hooray!

Jenna said...

Super adorable shot of his little legs kicking, I think that's one of my favorite ultrasound photos ever!

Heidi said...

You are going to LOVE having a little boy! They are just so darling. I had always wanted a daughter and was so excited when Brielle came, but then Hyrum was born and it blew all my expectations out of the water, there's something so sweet about a mother-son bond. Congratulations!!! What names are you thinking of?

Heidi said...

Lest that sound like I love Brielle less, I don't. But I had been leery of having a boy, girls just seemed more......easy to relate to. But all of my prejudices were completely wrong. My son is much more into hugging and kissing, and needing his Mommy......so to sum up, all children are good. =0)