Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yesterday morning I woke up to something so nice.

Dashing Boy was laying next to me and as I turned to greet him for the day he said, "I've been feeling the baby move."

"Really?" I said. I couldn't believe it!

Feeling the baby move is my favorite part of everyday. It's amazing to imagine this person there, growing and developing that I get to carry with me everywhere right now.

During moments where Dashing Boy and I are sitting next to each other and the baby is moving, I always reach for Dashing Boy's hand. I love feeling our son move and connecting with him, and I want "dad" to be able to have that time with his son too.

And then we all lay there, connected to each other and loving each other.

I have lots of moments where it is just baby and me.

So when I woke up and heard Dashing Boy talk about his time with baby that morning it made me smile. I can't believe how deeply I am sleeping despite getting up multiple times every night and having the most bizarre dreams I have ever had. While I was sound asleep, Dashing Boy had his bonding time too-just baby and him.

It's so fun to get to know this little guy.

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