Dashing Boy has pointed out recently that the 5 shirts I rotate wearing around are all worn out on the belly because I rub it so much. I didn't even realize how much I was doing it, but looking at all my shirts it is true! The materiel is matting up right where baby sits. I guess I'm pretty content just rubbing my belly all day :)
Which when I think about it, if I don't even realize my belly rubbing, it makes sense how random people rub my belly also. The growth of a baby in the womb is just pretty darn amazing. Luckily I have only felt slightly awkward once by someone touching my belly. Mostly I'm just so excited to have a belly poking out.
I feel like I have so much to do before baby arrives! I can't believe how close that will be! Nothing like having a new addition to the family to motivate me to get things in order!

jenny!!!! you look so happy and beautiful and so so cute pregnant. i am so excited to see you in a couple weeks. you better let me rub your belly.
Just saw these pictures--you continue to look so radiant and happy! How exciting!
You look so cute it is amazing! It was wonderful to see you this weekend. You inspired me to start a blog of my own, check it out . . . www.ilovepogs.blogspot.com
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